For dieters, probiotics help with weight loss because they naturally alter how much fat the body.

In addition, purchase a multi-enzyme product to help with the breakdown and absorption of the foods you take in. According to the "Muscle Nerd" this very inexpensive supplement can drastically increase your absorption of nutrients, particularly protein. According to a study published in "Menopause" in 2007, supplementation of a soy amino acid supplement for 3 months helped fight the growth of abdominal fat in post-menopausal women. Although most fat loss supplements contain high levels of stimulants and other ingredients that claim to increase your metabolism, amino acid supplements may support fat loss.

Some amino acids can be made by your body, but others, known as the "essential amino acids," must be obtained through food or supplements. A study published in the January 2006 issue of "Physiology & Behavior" found that green tea supplementation increased weight loss compared to a placebo, and that weight loss that incorporated green tea improved blood pressure and HDL, or good, cholesterol. According to a study published in the "Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise," regular creatine supplementation leads to increased size and strength over time.

The sports and bodybuilding magazineFlex" notes in a 2009 article that after a month of supplementation with rhodiola, cortisol levels were significantly reduced in study participants and indicators of memory and concentration were improved. Bodybuilders are notorious for using protein bars and shakes along with dietary supplements to pack on pounds of muscle. Vegetarians may have a greater response to supplementation because of their limited intake of dietary creatine.

Because whey is high in branched-chain amino acids, it can aid workout recovery. In "The Protein Book," nutritionist Lyle McDonald suggests that women involved in bodybuilding and intense weight training aim for around 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily. Direct studies are mixed, however, including a 2010 survey conducted by R. J. Bloomer, et al, published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research." In it, researchers found a minimal increase in Nitric Boost XL Free trial oxide levels in the blood and virtually no change in blood pressure or heart rate for the supplement group compared with the control group.

Buy 1 Get 1 50% Off Optimum Nutrition - Gold Standard 100% Whey 24g of Whey Protein with Amino Acids for Muscle Recovery and Growth 9.2. Build more muscle with the top pre workout supplements reviewed and recommended by bodybuilders. Pre-workout supplements help support increased energy, focus, and endurance.

Beginning with Eugene Schiff's ‘Bio-Food ‘ supplements in the 1930s and 40s, the idea of desiccated liver became more and more widespread in bodybuilding as the years progressed. Protein powders , BCAAs, pre workout supplements , creatine … You name it, we tried it. At one point I was taking Maca shots, followed by glasses of Brewer's Yeast.